Monday, May 1, 2017

Election to coincide with Champions League final, exams

Social media is on fire with comments about the election date, with many pointing out that the day chosen by the Prime Minister is one that coincides with the Champions League final and, perhaps more importantly, with examinations.

The Champions League final will be played in Cardiff on the same day, 3 June, that Malta will be voting for a new government. The finalists are not yet known, with the semi-finals Atletico Madrid vs Real Madrid and Juventus vs Monaco to be played between this week and the next.

That would mean that anyone wanting to go to Wales to watch the final in person would need to vote a week before.

Of greater concern is the fact that the date – chosen by the Prime Minister in the wake of accusations involving his family and seen by many as a way for the PM to defend himself – will coincide with examinations.

It is known that most of the polling stations are in government schools, which means that there will be a flurry of activity in these schools at the same time that students are preparing for their yearly exams.

Others pointed out that many students will also be sitting for their ordinary and advanced level examination in the same week and in the same venue as the election.

The last election to ever be held in June in Malta was that of 1971, when it was held between 12 and 14 June.

from The Malta Independent

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