Monday, May 1, 2017

Police ‘not officially on stop leave’, told election expected very soon

Rumours are circling around at police headquarters that they will soon be called on stop leave in preparation for the general election. A source who spoke with The Malta Independent has said that despite no official notice, police officers understand that they will soon be called to stop leave as "a general election is imminent."

Multiple sources have explained that there are already a number of police officials who have been called on stop leave not because of the election, but because of events related to the Maltese Presidency. But so far, the police management has not told officers that they are on stop leave.

The rumours can probably turn out to be true in the next couple of days, especially if Prime Minister Joseph Muscat decides to announce the general election date during the Workers Day celebrations in Valletta. The PL leader is expected to make one powerful speech, especially amid all the controversy and serious allegations surrounding his wife and his chief of staff.

If Dr Muscat does decide to announce the election date for the beginning of summer, police officers will then have to cope with the events in relation to both the Presidency and the general election.

Sources say that ministries have told police officers, verbally, that the election is expected to be held at the beginning of June. The latter is just one of the many speculative dates going round on the social media and the media.

The PN has been reinforcing the speculation that a general election is 'imminent', insisting that the Prime Minister, facing 'a constitutional crisis', will want to announce the election sooner rather than later.

Before June began to be mentioned, it appears that November was the month earmarked by the government to carry out the big day.

The Malta Independent had carried out an analysis on what would work best for Muscat and Busuttil if the election comes in November or June. More recently, this same newspaper also published a story suggesting the government was considering a snap election for July.

from The Malta Independent

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