Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Opposition in favour of revising Fuel Service Station Policy

The Opposition is in favour of revising policies surrounding Fuel Service Stations, believing that the current policy creates scope for abuse resulting in degradation of virgin land outside the development zone (ODZ).

In a press release issued this afternoon, the Opposition said it favours relocating the existing fuel service stations found at village centres due to the inconvenience caused and the danger to residents.

"This process should not only continue but the private sector should also be encouraged to oversee the relocation in the interest of our communities."

Before a policy revision takes hold, the Opposition has called on a comprehensive study to be carried out ascertaining how many fuel stations this country needs while it would point out where the existing ones are located.

This study is needed not only in the light of several fuel station applications that are being presented before the Planning Authority but also because global trends are moving away from fossil fuel and towards electric cars.

The Opposition pointed out that countries such as France and England have already declared that by the year 2040 all vehicles must be run on electricity. 

from The Malta Independent

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