Monday, April 2, 2018

CABS welcome resignation of WBRU head

The Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) today welcomed the resignation of the head of the governments´ Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU), Sergei Golovkin, who confirmed to CABS that he submitted his resignation last week.

In a statement the organisation said that since Golovkin was appointed head of WBRU Maltas´ hunting and trapping enforcement system has become a disaster and requires a total reform.

"The damage his actions and proposals have done to Malta's ability to enforce its hunting regulations and comply with international conservation conventions and directives is unimaginable", CABS president Heinz Schwarze said in statement, adding that nearly all new rules and enforcement procedures established since Golovkin became head of the WBRU in 2014 "have led to a significant breakdown of enforcement."

from The Malta Independent

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