Partit Demokratiku warns of Malta's further deteriorating reputation abroad, with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe being the latest foreign body preparing to investigate the rule of law in Malta, Partit Demokratiku said in a statement.
By giving Pieter Omtzigt authorisation to protect his sources, when they give him information about Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder, a fundamental lack of trust has been shown in Maltese law enforcement.
The fact that our independent and autonomous institutions and public administration are entirely politicised means that their loyalty to the public good is questioned, PD said. The Prime Minister is still able to appoint judges, which means that even our courts are filled with political appointees. This is a system we copied from the UK in 1964, but while the UK has moved on, Malta has remained stuck in the past in terms of good practice.
It is traitorous to the nation for the government and also the Labour and Nationalist Parties to persist with poor governance, closing a blind eye to clientelism, cronyism, bullying and indirect and direct control of the media and parts of "civil society".
Maltese academics are almost unanimous in agreement about the challenges facing our representative democracy. Let us immediately pursue urgent and enable reforms, giving true independence to the courts, the police, the media, the civil service and do away with costly, decadent appointments of persons and positions of trust.
It is high time that Malta, a European member state, is held in high esteem in international circles once again and does not try to remain under the radar while allowing crises like these to fester.
from The Malta Independent
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