Monday, April 1, 2019

Nearly 50% of Maltese don’t exercise outside of working hours – Eurostat

The Maltese people are among the worst in Europe when it comes to exercising outside of their work time.

Recent statistics published by Eurostat show that around 28 % of the European Union population aged 16 or over did not do any exercise outside working time in 2017. Malta's percentage was well above this average, 47.8% of respondents saying they performed zero hours of exercise outside of their work time in a week.

The rest of the Maltese and EU population undertook some form of sports, fitness or recreational activities in their leisure time.

"In a typical week, just over one quarter (27 %) of the EU population exercised for up to three hours, 17 % for between three and five hours and 28 % for five hours or more."

In most EU Member States the majority of the population carried out some form of exercise in their leisure time, with the highest proportion in Romania (96 %). In contrast, there were two Member States where less than 50 % of the population were physically active outside work: Portugal (45 %) and Croatia (36 %).

Malta however, is below the EU average and was close to being at the 50% mark.

The statistics show that 1.9% performed less than an hour of exercise, that 30.6% exercised between one to three hours per week, while 13.6% exercised between three and five hours, while 6.2% exercised for five hours or more. In total, this means that 52.3% of Maltese performed exercise outside of working hours each week.

47.8% of Maltese respondents however, said they performed zero hours of exercise in a week outside of work.

The country with the most population not performing any kind of physical activity was Croatia, with 64% of the population not exercising. On the other end of the spectrum, All of Slovakia's population exercises, however the statistics for this country were flagged as being of low reliability. In Romania too, 96% of the population exercises.

from The Malta Independent

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