Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Maltese newspapers review

The following are the top stories in national newspapers today. Times of Malta says two magistrates are involved in business activities in a personal capacity, breaching the code of ethics. In another story, it says some 50 owners of illegal boathouses at Armier Bay have had their electricity supply cut off since the beginning of the year after failing to pay their bills. The Malta Independent says Mater Dei is in the process of preparing a competitive call for use of office space. Malta Today speaks to an EU expert who says that willful damage to the Quran can be considered a hate crime. L-Orizzont speaks to the chairman of the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation about the people's favourite locations for the Sette Giugno monument. In-Nazzjon leads with the resignation of the head of the Financial Analysis Intelligence Unit, who was investigating Minister Konrad Mizzi and the PM's chief of staff Keith Schembri.

from timesofmalta.com http://ift.tt/2aMv6ZK

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