Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Development NGOs prepare to educate for change

Local youths will be encouraged to be global citizens and engage with development issues as part of a newly-launched project by Malta's development NGO platform SKOP.  The 'E4C: Educating for Change' project capitalises on Malta's EU Council presidency to raise awareness about global poverty reduction and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. It will run until September 2017.  Speaking at the project launch, Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella reiterated Malta's support for the SDGs and praised local development NGOs for their work in reaching out to communities in need of development assistance.  Other speakers included Vincent Tournecuillert, International Coordinator of Terre des Hommes's Destination Unknown Campaign about the rights of Children on the Move and other children affected by migration; Ahmed Bugri, CEO of the Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, about climate refugees; and by Simone Borg, Malta's UN Ambassador for Climate Change, about the impact of the changing climate on our daily lives. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented with the financial support of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. 


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