Wednesday, February 1, 2017

No evidence of food poisoning in hospitals – caterers

Independent tests gave the caterers a clean bill of health over the viral outbreak last month at the State hospitals. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

The caterer for the state hospitals which saw a viral outbreak last month conducted independent tests which gave them a clean bill of health, the company said yesterday. Malta Healthcare Caterers said a certified foreign laboratory had been contracted to carry out tests on the food samples, otherwise known as ghost meals. "The tests were carried out on every food item which was produced for or consumed in the hospital in the three days preceding the report of the first case.  In total 31 food samples were tested, and every single sample was found to be uncontaminated and free from norovirus," the company said. It was reacting to a report by this newspaper that said no action would be taken against the hospital caterers after 97 patients suffered food poisoning last month. A spokeswoman for Health Minister Chris Fearne had told the Times of Malta that although 97 patients across three separate State hospitals and the newly privatised Karin Grech Hospital were confirmed to have suffered from norovirus last month, the source remained unknown. This newspaper had reported how the symptoms that gave rise to a suspicion of food poisoning at Mater Dei and Karin Grech hospitals had also...


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