Saturday, March 30, 2019

Nature Trust – FEE Malta supports Moviment Graffiti’s demonstration over fuel stations

Nature Trust - FEE Malta fully supports the ongoing demonstration by MovimentGraffitti to raise awareness about the lengthy process to adjust the Fuel Station policy.

Moviment Graffitti recently set up camp outside the Planning Authority, and also marched to the Infrastructure Ministry.

The NGO, in a statement, said that this is even more important in the light of the ongoing move to reduce dependency on fossil fuel-driven transport, and of the overdue upgrading of existing fuel stations all over the island to reduce volatile emissions. "Such moves would certainly limit, if not eliminate, the need to relocate existing fuel stations or build new ones, both of which actions usually entail taking up yet more pristine or agricultural land in ODZ areas. "

"NT-FEE Malta suggests, as it has done on previous occasions and hitherto been ignored, that long-abandoned agricultural land should be offered to the public at minimal rent in order to incentivize people to grow their own produce and re-connect with nature's cycles. With a population rapidly alienated from the environment by ongoing development, the value of such land is, at present, only being one-sidedly exploited by developers, with the apparent collusion of the relevant authorities, at the cost of increasing air pollution and precipitating the decline of human and ecological well-being."

Furthermore, NT-FEE Malta believes that since Malta is quickly heading towards Island-wide usage of electric cars, "with the consequent banning of all petrol and diesel-powered vehicles, it is unsustainable to grant more permits for fuel stations, since this would mean that in a decade or two they would no longer be in demand. By granting permission for an industrial activity which is being phased out, the authorities would clearly only be turning the P.A. into an accomplice to land speculation in the coming future."

Therefore, NTM strongly emphasises the need for all authorities to pull the same rope if the present Government truly believes in sustainable development.


from The Malta Independent

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