Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Millions of Europeans feel detached from European institutions - Alfred Sant

The  extreme right in Europe is hijacking the concept of a Europe of nations while millions of  Europeans  feel detached from the European institutions, former Prime Minister and Maltese MEP Alfred Sant told University students. Dr Sant had an informal meeting with JEF Malta, a non-faculty student organisation, to discuss their invitation to take part in a debate about European integration at the University of Malta.

The Maltese MEP said that many Europeans feel  disconnected from the European Parliament. One problem is that too many MEPs are quite detached from the day to day concerns of their constituents. Most candidates across Europe are selected by their parties to run on party lists which place them in a sequence, so that those who come within the number of seats that a party obtains on a proportionate basis, are automatically elected.

"It is only in Malta and Ireland that MEPS are elected directly by the electorate," said Alfred Sant.

The students called for more democratic responsibility within the European institutions and said the President of the European Commission should be directly elected by Europeans. They also explained that within JEF they have a less federalist position than other national delegations but are more in favour of European integration on a pragmatic basis.

Nicola Mangion, President, Daniel Cassar, Vice-President, Emma Vella, Secretary General, Ben Cassar, International Officer and Rachel Mercieca, Finance Officer attended the meeting with the Maltese MEP.

from The Malta Independent https://ift.tt/2tSUvJ0

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