Sunday, February 28, 2016

We could be heroes

I finally got to watch Lampedusa, the play scripted by Anders Lustgarten and currently being produced by Unifaun at Spazju Kreattiv. As the kids say, it was intense. I cried, a lot, while trying to hide it so as not to freak everyone out. I also laughed, quite a bit. I walked out of there my emotions shred to pieces. The topic? Migration. Not again, I hear you groan. Because, let's be honest and ditch the politically correct smiles. Most of us, including those who harbour the strongest sympathetic sentiments about the issue, are fed up of it all. By now, migration has become merely a prosaic part of our lives. We have come to expect and accept the headlines that tell us another boatload made it to Malta, or capsized halfway through and killed its hapless cargo. Our reaction typically is a shrug and an "oh well, imsieken", before we forget all about it and go back to what we were doing. We have come to expect to drive past Marsa to see groups of migrants waiting for 'a bicca xoghol' to fall their way. We might huff and puff for a couple of seconds about how these areas of Malta have "become theirs", before we reach our destination and proceed with our happy, safe lives. Migrants...


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