Sunday, January 31, 2016

University awaits its superhero...

If you have aspirations to become a rector, sit down before reading this piece because as Kurt Sansone discovers the post comes with a very long list of demands. A collection of qualities expected from the university's next commander-in-chief could read like a leaf from a superhero movie called The Rector. He, or she, would have to prioritise research, respect tradition, ensure the University of Malta remains competitive, make it relevant to local communities, ensure a fair promotion system for academics, cut bureaucracy, confront the parking problem on campus, attract more foreign students, be a force for stability and inspire excellence. Moreover, the next rector would have to be a person of stature, inspire trust and ensure the institution's independence. Now this is a very tall order indeed for someone expected to lead a university that has 11,500 students, is spread out over 195,000 square metres and is made up of 14 faculties, institutes and centres. The election for the next rector is expected to take place in March and given the composition of the University Council, the candidate backed by the government is likely to win as has been the case since 1987. This, however,...


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