Monday, February 1, 2016

Liam defies the odds and now walks for 20 minutes

A seven-year-old boy who was destined to live in a vegetative state as a new-born continues to defy the odds and is walking unaided following therapy abroad. Liam Cocker is now doing so much walking that he is getting muscle soreness, his mother Rachel told this newspaper following a trip to the UK funded by several people who read an appeal in this newspaper last year. The boy was flown to Scotland for a two-week intensive physical programme and while he continues the therapy in Malta, he will be flown to the UK to "reignite the flame". "When we left for the UK, Liam would crawl towards the furniture and help himself onto his feet, but he would not be able to make more than three steps, aided. "Now he can walk unaided for at least 20 minutes and, although he has to be supervised, he is more confident," his mother said as Liam got up and ran for the door on hearing the doorbell. Since he started walking, Liam has become fascinated with doors as he knows they lead to a world he can explore now that he can get from one place to another faster. His right arm is not as weak as it was either, she says as she watches a video shot during a mathematics class at the San Miguel Primary...


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