Monday, February 1, 2016

NCFHE launches 4th edition of Referencing Report for Malta

The National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) launched the 4th edition of the Referencing Report for Malta. This is the national document which references the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF); outlines the parameters for the accreditation of programmes and courses in Malta; and explains the referencing process which allows the recognition of national qualifications at a European level and the recognition of foreign qualifications from the European Union and beyond, giving more strength to our education system in terms of transparency.

During a press conference, Ms Edel Cassar, Chief Executive Officer of the NCFHE said that this updates builds on the solid ground work of the previous editions and maintains the same level of quality.This Referencing Report takes into consideration the various changes that took place within the Maltese educational sphere over the past few years. She explained that the main aim of the 4th edition was also to have a more user-friendly document which can be easily used nationally by education training providers, learners and employers, as well as by international professionals and entities. Ms Cassar encouraged readers to look beyond the introduction and the nice format and read the detail of how qualifications are structured in the Maltese system. She thanked all those experts, both national and international, who contributed during the consultation process and provided their feedback. 

Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education & Employment was also present during this event.

The main update in this document is the inclusion of Introductory Level A an Introductory Level B within the Malta Qualifications Framework. These cover the learning gained, but not yet rated at Level 1 and recognise any learning that has taken place to serve as stepping stones towards Level 1.

This Report includes an updated Maltese education structure outlining the main pathways across compulsory, Further and Higher education in Malta, both within and across, the academic and VET spheres. It gives a gives a clearer definition of the terms 'Qualification' and 'Award' in Malta to facilitate understanding by employers and students.

Another update is the change of contact hours from 6.25 hours to 5 hours per credit and the reduction of the amount of credits for the accreditation of courses by NCFHE from a minimum of 4 credits to 1 credit. This is being done so that every form and volume of learning can be given value through accreditation. A number of parameters are being introduced in order to guide the accreditation of work-based learning, including apprenticeships. A clearer picture of the relationship between Levels and credits is provided and the Short Cycle Qualification with 120 credits at Level 5 on the MQF is being introduced.

The first Referencing Report was launched by the previously known Malta Qualifications Council in November 2009, creating a solid ground work for the subsequent editions, with the report which is being launched today marking the 4th publication.

from The Malta Independent

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