Monday, May 30, 2016

GlobalCapital extends offer period on unsecured bonds

A GlobalCapital p.l.c. five per cent offer on €10,000,000 in unsecured bonds has been extended from 30 May to 8 June, the company announced today. The company said that it had received Listing Authority approval to extend the offer, after it had noted continued interest in the bond issue offer from investors. It said the extended period would allow existing bondholders the opportunity to subscribe the bonds, as well as professional clients who have expressed an interest in the Bond Issue the opportunity to subscribe to any balance of the Bonds not subscribed for by Existing Bondholders as at the Cut-off Date. The company said it has received a commitment from its majority shareholder, Investar p.l.c., to subscribe directly or through third parties up to €5 million in nominal value of the Bonds, in the event of a shortfall in the overall take-up of the Bonds. Furthermore, the Company has also received commitments from its Bond Sponsor Calamatta Cuschieri, acting as nominee for and on behalf of its Professional Clients, to subscribe up to an additional €5 million in aggregate in nominal value of the Bonds in the event of a shortfall in the overall take-up of the Bonds after the...


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