Monday, May 30, 2016

Two Eritrean men charged with entering Malta with false passports from Catania

Two Eritrean men, Tesfay Gebrebirhan Anda, 29, and Mhreteab Zeru, 22, today were charged with using false passports to come to Malta from Catania, Sicily. Mr Anda pleaded guilty while Mr Zeru pleaded not guilty.

Mr Anda was given a one-year prison sentence suspended for three years. Unless he applies for asylum, procedures to deport him will start immediately. Mr Zeru was remanded in custody.

It was clear throughout the case that both the accused could barely understand the implications of what was taking place in court, despite having an interpreter. Mr Zeru in fact pleaded not guilty under protest saying, "I don't know what is false and what isn't, so how can I be guilty?"

The case was presided by Magistrate Doreen Clarke. The defence was led by Dr Joseph Ellis, who did not ask for bail for Mr Zeru. The prosecution was led by Inspector Franklin Sammut.

from The Malta Independent

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