Monday, May 30, 2016

Organisers of Fiera l-Kbira deny ‘rumours’, say they have permit in hand

Organisers of the Fiera l-Kbira today announced that the third edition of il-Fiera l-Kbira will be held between 7 and 17 July at MonteKristo Estate, "thus ending rumours saying otherwise". 

Just like in previous years, the directors of il-Fiera l-Kbira, together with MonteKristo estate management have been collaborating with local authorities to address the several aspects of the fair, such as permits, traffic management and health and safety regulations.  This resulted in the issue of the appropriate trading licence - CF 69/2016.  This collaboration is ongoing. 

Both previous editions of the fair attracted an attendance of over 100,000 visitors.

"We would like to thank all entities involved so far in this third edition of the fair.  This Fair will once more feature over 200 exhibitors and generate an estimate of 21 million euros in orders, wages and services. In fact, Fiera l-Kbira results in the engagement of almost 1,500 workers the majority of which are engaged directly by the exhibitors to provide or deliver a service during the 50 hours of the fair. Other services providers are engaged for design and set up purposes before, during and after the fair" said Luke Gatt from il-Fiera l-Kbira.

The choice of the venue is quite a natural one, since MonteKristo Estate is the only venue in Malta which offers all amenities needed for such a big, open air, family event.  

This year's edition promises to offer even better deals for consumers on items supplied by the various exhibitors, who are bound to offer those attending a "Fiera l-Kbira" special offer during the fair days. 

The success achieved in the past two years also resulted in a sell out of all available exhibitors space, the organisers said.

from The Malta Independent

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