Monday, May 30, 2016

Malta Stock Exchange hits a 15-week low

The MSE Share Index trended into negative territory for the seventh time in the last eight sessions with a further 0.2 per cent decline during this morning's session to a fresh 15-week low of 4,464.315 points. The value traded during today's sessions marginally exceeded the €0.2 million level.Amongst the largest equities by market capitalisation, the share price of HSBC Bank Malta plc eased 0.1 per cent lower back to the €1.60 level on shallow volumes of 5,309 shares.Similarly, RS2 Software plc edged 0.3 per cent lower to the €3.487 level across four deals totalling 5,325 shares.Shallow volumes were also registered in MaltaPost plc and FIMBank plc. The share price of the postal operator slid by 6.2 per cent back to the €1.801 level on a single trade of 2,000 shares. An insignificant deal of 125 shares was executed in FIMBank plc at the USD0.84 level representing a 0.8 per cent drop from the previous closing price.The only other negative performing equity was MIDI plc with a 1 per cent drop back to the €0.384 level on volumes of 16,000 shares.On the other hand, the share price of GO plc edged marginally higher to €2.89 on volumes of 12,495 shares. Last Monday, GO stated that La...


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