Sunday, May 29, 2016

Two Romanians arraigned for pickpocketing

Two Romanians have been remanded in custody after being arrested for pickpocketing.

Tita Budescu, 66, and Danciu Vasile, 37, were charged with stealing from a woman at Qormi flea market on Saturday. Ms Budescu was also charged with relapsing

Prosecuting officer Roderick Agius exhibited a wallet belonging to Mr Vasile containing €119.71. He objected to legal aid lawyer Martin Fenech's request for bail, arguing that for the past three weeks, many reports had been made regarding pickpocketing offences being carried out by foreigners.

Ms Budescu is unemployed, has no means to sustain herself and has no fixed address, making her more likely to continue committing such crimes. She had previously served some time behind bars for a similar offence. Likewise, Mr Vasile has no fixed job and no fixed address.

"Unfortunately thanks to these people, the phenomenon of pickpocketing in Malta has exploded," Insp. Agius told the court.

"They have no fixed address - they're constantly roaming from one place to another. Everyone knows how gypsies operate."

Magistrate Charmaine Galea turned down the request for bail due to the fact that they had no fixed address and could therefore abscond.

from The Malta Independent

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